Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση: Προσχώρησε στο "Πρωτόκολλο για την Προστασία της Μεσογείου από Ρύπανση που προέρχεται από την εξερεύνηση και την εκμετάλλευση της υφαλοκρηπίδας και του βυθού και του υπέδαφούς"
21 Ιαν 2013
The European Union announces its accession to the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution resulting from exploration and exploitationof the continental shelf and the seabed and its subsoilτου"
Athens -
17 January 2013. The European Union has announced its accession to the Protocol
for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution resulting from
exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf and the seabed and its
With this
new accession of the European Union, seven contracting parties would have
approved the protocol, which entered into force on 24 March 2011. The Protocol
had already been ratified by Albania, Cyprus, Libya, Morocco, Syria and
Management and monitoring of the protection of the
Mediterranean Sea
The present protocol aims at establishing an effective
management system to protect the Mediterranean Sea from pollution resulting
from exploration and exploitation of the continental shelf, the seabed and its
subsoil, and organizing a mutual assistance in cases of emergency. It also
establishes a system of authorization, monitoring and strict liability in case
of damage, with a view to limit impact on natural resources, biodiversity and
Praising the step forward taken by the European Union,
Maria Luisa Silva Mejias, UNEPMAP / Barcelona Convention Executive Secretary
and Coordinator said: “major incidents experienced in some parts of the world,
and linked to off-shore activities in ever deeper seas, have shown the
necessity for common and higher regional standards to prevent the risk of acute
pollution accidents. Through the implementation of this unique protocol, the
parties to the Barcelona Convention are leading by example”.
Commitment to universal sustainable development
The need to further enhance the cooperation for the benefit
of the Mediterranean environment and population continues to be critical. The
process of ratification of the Protocol continues, revealing, once again the commitment
of the parties towards sustainable development of the Mediterranean Sea and
Coastal Region. “Today, the universal ratification of the Barcelona Convention
and all its Protocols is our goal”, ended Silva.
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