IEA: Συνάντηση ειδικών στο Παρίσι για επαναπροσδιορισμό των στόχων για το κλίμα
Experts meet in Paris to re-define climate ambition
Over 100 experts from national governments, businesses and industry, academia, international organisations and NGOs gathered in Paris on 21 June 2016 to identify how to build upon the policy momentum gained following the Paris Agreement and re-define climate ambition to the even more ambitious goal of keeping global temperature increase well below 2°C and aiming at 1.5°C.
The workshop looked at opportunities for technological developments across different sectors, as well as exploring the ways in which policy can be leveraged to achieve a scenario in line with the Paris Agreement Objectives.
Participants discussed opportunities in conventional sectors, including buildings, industry, transport and energy transformation, but also highlighted the importance of cross-cutting streams that encompass more than one energy end-use and transformation sector. For example the role of energy technology innovation, cross-cutting fuels and technologies such as bioenergy and carbon-capture and storage, and the integration of variable renewable energy sources.
“There is an urgent need for new analysis and published output to support the aims of the Paris Agreement and feed into IPCC’s assessment of 1.5 degrees warming,” said Jim Skea, co-chair of IPCC's Working Group III, focusing on climate change mitigation and options for cutting emissions. “Activities such as IEA’s ‘well below 2 degrees’ initiative are both timely and welcome,” added Mr Skea.
Kamel Ben Naceur, IEA Director of Sustainability, Technology and Outlooks, set the scene, describing how the participants could assist the IEA in providing scenario analysis on the energy sector transformation required to keep temperature within the targets of the Paris Agreement. This was followed by presentations outlining decarbonisation scenarios in IEA’s World Energy Outlook, and proposed “well-below 2°C” analysis in IEA Energy Technology Perspectives. Discussion and breakout sessions provided IEA experts with valuable insights and perspectives to be used in scenario modeling in future WEO and ETP publications.
The invitation only workshop was held under the Chatham House Rule, which bars identifying speakers or their organisations.
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